Friday, September 15, 2006

hard work day

day 11

i have a job. i do remember that.

i spent much of today on project work, now that we're online. everyday tasks here take about forever for me to accomplish. trying to turn on the washing machine, for example, could consume well over 1/2 an hour. flushing the toilet with the standard washlet controls can send you into analysis paralysis - but at least the heated seat is comfortable. internet setup was a 5 day epic, and we still don't have a phone. so putting in a few hours on a tech memo is pure joy. i analyse some data, produce graphs, write a few paragraphs, email it off, and give myself a pat on the back.

then back to local exploration.

this is the view off our balcony. after a night of carousing, this pair spends much of the day atop a service box about 8' high.

here's our local high street. it's gorgeous. with an amazing bakery and some fine restaurants. I'll take you on a tour one day.

ended the day in akihabara looking for a wireless router. in a 300 sq.ft apartment, the fewer wires the better. should only take me a couple of days to configure it.


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